Elite Runner Performance & Efficiency Testing at GymTherapy provides data-driven and reliable insights into your running efficiency, mechanics, metabolism and performance. It combines both our VO2 Master and Lactate Pro Plus Meter, to gain valuable data about your thresholds, VO2 Max and training zones. Specific speeds/paces are assessed to understand how your physiology change and guides specific training interventions to help you achieve your next personal best!

Elite Runner Lactate & VO2 Testing at GymTherapy includes:

1. In-Depth Pre-Assessment Screening & History
An in-depth discussion is had to understand your current and historic training, along with an understanding of your goal paces/times for races.

2. Stage 1 - Blood Lactate Threshold Testing
The first stage involves Blood Lactate Threshold testing using the Lactate Pro Plus Meter. We gain resting data and then samples at specific time points. Each protocol is individualised based on the pre-assessment screening form completed to ensure paces set are appropriate to your physiology and goals. A lancet is used to gain a small sample of blood from the tip of your finger.

3. Stage 2 - VO2 Max Ramp Test
The second part of our testing consultation involves VO2 Max testing using the VO2 Master. The mask is fitted and then a ramp protocol is used to establish your VO2 Max.

4. Analysis of Results - Individual Development Plan
Following our assessment, we discuss the key findings specific for you, the potential reasons/factors contributing to your running performance & physiology along with an action plan to address these deficits. A Lactate Threshold report and VO2 Max report is sent to you. A follow-up data interpretation consultation is then organised where we dive deeper into the data and give you key training and performance recommendations to achieve that personal best!

5. Support & Guidance
Throughout the process, continuous support and guidance is provided to ensure you achieve your running goals. Referral as required to our network of coaches may be appropriate to help you on your way to better running. Re-testing is completed to assess your improvement and make specific changes for you to help you continuously improve.

Elite Runner Threshold & VO2 Testing is suitable for a wide range of individuals who perform in sports where endurance is important:

  • Runners - particularly those competing in distances ranging from 800m to ultra marathon events
  • Multi-sport athletes (triathletes)
  • Team sport athletes (football/AFL) and CrossFit/Hyrox athletes
  • Athletes looking to gain data-driven insights into their metabolism and thresholds

Choosing ELITE RUNNER THRESHOLD & VO2 TESTING AT GymTherapy means you will:

  • Gain an in-depth understanding about your running performance, metabolism, VO2 Max, lactate thresholds and training zones
  • Use the data to enhance and optimise your training specific for you and your goals.
  • Enhance your running efficiency
  • Improve key values specific to lactate
  • Guidance on factors contributing to your running efficiency and performance

You will learn about several aspects of your running performance including:

  • Lactate Threshold (LT2): The level above which pyruvate—an intermediate product of anaerobic metabolism—is produced faster than it can be used aerobically; unused pyruvate splits into lactate (lactic acid) and positively charged hydrogen ions; continued exercise above the lactate, or anaerobic, threshold results in accumulation of these ions—acidosis—causing exhaustion and intramuscular pain
  • VO2 Max: Is a measure of the body's capacity to maximally uptake oxygen from the environment and use it in skeletal muscle during intense full-body exercise (maximal oxygen consumption). It is considered the gold-standard measurement for cardiorespiratory fitness
  • Aerobic Threshold (LT1): The first lactate threshold, also known as LT1 or the aerobic threshold is used to demarcate zone 1 and 2. LT1 is defined as the lowest intensity at which there is a sustained increase in blood lactate concentration above resting values
  • Ventilatory Thresholds: Describes the relationship between physical exertion and ventilation. During VO2 Max testing, two key ventilatory thresholds (VT1 & VT2) are identified, which allows for specific training recommendations that improve these values moving forward.
  • Training Zones: Training zones are calculated based on the relationship between your VO2 Max, heart rate, and mechanical output (power/pace). By completing VO2 Max testing, it allows for accurate prescription of these training zones, optimising training and performance.
Elite Runner Threshold & VO2 Testing


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What does it include?
Pre-assessment and discussion of running training goals & history
Complete Blood Lactate Threshold testing
Complete metabolic, ventilatory & VO2 Max testing using the VO2 Master
Optional follow-up Data-Interpretation consultation can be organised to dive deeper into the data and develop your individual game plan ($95)
Follow-up testing consults to assess improvement and continue towards your performance goals.

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Unlock your true health and performance potential with personalised data-driven protocols to enhance your performance, rehabilitation & longevity at GymTherapy

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