We're obsessed with helping you
achieve high performance, in all
aspects of your health & wellbeing


Elite Therapy & Rehabilitiation

We want to provide elite therapy and rehabilitation to everyone seeking improved health and performance. We tailor rehabilitation and reconditioning, based on the data obtained from testing, to address areas of weakness and reduced function to allow you to be your healthiest and fittest self.

Integrated & Individualised Care

We update your program on an ongoing basis, based on the regular testing during your consultations. This ensures you are on track to achieve your functional goals whilst reducing injury risk. We communicate with your coach/ trainer to ensure a collaborative approach to achieving optimal health and function.

State of the Art Technology

With our experience in treating and supporting athletes, we bring the testing equipment, philosophies and systems used in elite sport, into the private setting to enhance performance and rehabilitation. Whether you are rehabilitating from injury or looking to improve performance, our technology can provide data-driven insights that yield results.

Experienced Clinicians

Our team is here to support you to achieve your health, rehabilitation and performance goals. With a wealth of experience in diverse settings, we collaborate and help you achieve your performance, reconditioning and health potential. You have access to our team of professionals through various communication channels to ensure you are supported on your health journey.

We want to provide elite therapy, testing and rehabilitation to everyone seeking improved health and performance. We address areas of weakness and reduced function to allow you to be your healthiest and fittest self. A collaborative, integrated approach is key to optimising health and reconditioning, where professionals work together to ensure clients reach their return to health and performance goals. This is our approach.

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Whether you are looking for elite physiotherapy and rehabilitation for your injury or are looking to gain data-driven insights into your health, performance and injury prevention, GymTherapy is here to help you achieve your health & fitness goals.

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Servicing Brisbane and the surrounds, visit us at one of our two locations.
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Mobile: 04 17 17 1220
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