Our Longevity Packages are specially designed testing protocols that assess and enhance the key variables important for healthy ageing and function - strength, movement, fatigue and cardiovascular fitness.

Our team uses the technologies and strategies used from elite sport to help you achieve your longevity goals, improve key functional qualities and help you function strong through the stages of life.


Longevity is not just about living longer - it's about extending the time we have to do the things we love in life with good health and function (think health span + longevity).

The traditional reactive approach to medicine awaits diagnosis and illness to occur before taking action. This fails to account for the longterm chronic changes in health that can occur far before symptoms and diagnosis occurs.

Tackling longevity to enhance health and function requires a modern proactive approach. By completing advanced testing, key data insights allow you to take the proactive actions required to enhance your longevity and health span.

Our Centurion Longevity Protocols are suitable for a wide variety of individuals:

  • Those looking to get started on their healthy ageing ​journey
  • Those who have struggled with injuries that limit their function and lifestyle goals
  • Individuals looking for a data-driven approach to their health, fitness and longevity
  • Those looking to reduce the risk of injury in the future

Choosing TESTING AT GymTherapy means you will benefit from:

  • Experienced insights into your strength, balance, mobility, fitness and injury prevention
  • Data-driven insights into your health and performance
  • Specific testing and monitoring using contemporary technology
  • Personalised program recommendations specific to your needs and goals
  • A collaborative approach to ensure you receive the service you need

We gain data during our protocols on a variety of metrics important for longevity and healthspan:

  • Motor Control: Described as the initiation, grading, and regulation of movement involving the musculoskeletal and nervous system. We gain this data from video analysis and our accelerometer technology.
  • Strength Capacity: Also described as strength endurance, capacity measurements and programming assist in improving fatigue resistance of muscles. Our dynamometry and accelerometer technology provide key data points.
  • VO2 Max: Is a measure of the body's capacity to maximally uptake oxygen from the environment and use it in skeletal muscle during intense full-body exercise (maximal oxygen consumption). It is considered the gold-standard measurement for cardiorespiratory fitness
  • Running Gait Deviations: A variety of deviations may be present during the running gait cycle that contribute to reduced efficiency, performance and increased injury risk. These are assessed through our IMU and video analysis technology.
  • Proprioception: Proprioception, otherwise known as kinesthesia, is your body's ability to sense movement, action, and location. It's present in every muscle movement you have. It combines balance and dynamic stability to enhance movement and reduce the risk of injury and falls.


Carefully selected to give you a complete picture of your health

VO2 max refers to the maximum rate at which your muscles can extract oxygen from your blood and put it to metabolic use to generate energy. It can be tested on a treadmill, bike or rowing machine.

When investigating VO2 max in relation to all-cause mortality, there are clear trends. Simply increasing your VO2 max from ‘low’ (bottom 25th percentile) to ‘below average’ (25th to 50th percentile) is associated with a 50% reduction in all-cause mortality.

Measures hand and wrist strength via hand held dynamometry technology.

Grip strength is a great proxy for overall strength and muscle mass, particularly with upper body strength with several studies demonstrating an association between grip strength and longevity.

Measures maximum strength capacity, assessing lower body strength with particular focus on a knee dominant position. We use our advanced force plate technology to gain valuable insights into your maximal strength.

Strength, particularly lower body strength characteristics as several associations with longevity. Directly, higher levels of strength and muscle mass is associated with better function and ability to perform daily tasks. Further, the indirect benefits of strength training (bone health, metabolism, body composition) are also associated with better health and longevity.

Measures maximum strength capacity, assessing lower body strength with particular focus on a hip dominant position. We use our advanced force plate technology to gain valuable insights into your maximal strength.

Strength, particularly lower body strength characteristics as several associations with longevity. Directly, higher levels of strength and muscle mass is associated with better function and ability to perform daily tasks. Further, the indirect benefits of strength training (bone health, metabolism, body composition) are also associated with better health and longevity.

Measures explosive leg strength and power. We use our advanced force plate technology to gain valuable insights into your maximal power output.

Power and reactive strength is an indicator of lower body strength and speed qualities. It is associated with reactive strength, an important quality that diminishes during the ageing process.

Measurement of specific tissue strength, particularly useful in instances where previous injury has occurred using our dynamometry and force plate technology.

The biggest risk of injury and reduced function, is previous injuries. By assessing areas of previous injury we are able to gain data on strength asymmetries that may be present, facilitating proactive strategies to mitigate injury risk.  

our packages

Longevity Cardiovascular
Starting at
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  • Initial VO2 Max Testing ($189 of value)
  • Post Training VO2 Max Re-Testing ($189 of value)
  • Collaborative approach with coaching team
  • Optional additional training with coach (x2 PT sessions per week) for 12 weeks for just $1800
  • Discounts on additional testing services

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Unlock your true health and performance potential with personalised data-driven protocols to enhance your performance, rehabilitation & longevity at GymTherapy

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